
Fuckup Nights is a global movement and series of events where stories of failure are shared, with a reach of 215 cities, 62 counties, 15k+ failure stories, and 1m+ attendees. Each month, at events around the world, a couple of people face a room full of strangers to share their own fuckup. Stories of businesses that go bust, partner deals that fall out, products that have to be recalled, we tell it all..

Our contribution

We are proud hosts of the Fuckup Nights events in Barcelona and Madrid and are responsible for organizing recurring events where we share stories and networks with over 130+ attendees, with food and drinks. Our goal is to generate a no-bullshit event, with vulnerability, in-person experience, in a relaxed environment to inspire natural connections. We share these stories to challenge our perception of failures and how our society deals with them.


Develop a more human and aware society. Inspire personal connections, and let go of social stigmas.


After 5 years and more than 40 events, we’ve built a loyal and strong community helping our audience to get rid of limiting paradigms and managed to:

  • Build a loyal community: Connecting and collaborating with others, our events have over 5000 members and 2400 attendees, all within our ecosystems.
  • Educating society: Sharing more than 100 failure stories, we’ve managed to help our audience to learn and grow through vulnerability.
  • (G)local impact: Fuckup Nights is a global movement and series of events, but implemented on a local level. We help our Barcelona and Madrid audiences get rid of limiting paradigms.

Carlos and iyi events are one of our top organizers around the world. Carlos is the ultimate connector to the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Spain. He knows everybody and is highly regarded as a top content and logistics provider for events of all sizes. More importantly, he's a great guy and he's a pleasure to work and hang out with. 

Pepe Villatoro
Co-Founder, Fuckup Nights

Elevate your event experience


Explore how we can bring your event to life, from conception to execution, with a focus on simplicity, relationships, and details. With our expertise and passion, we create experiences that positively impact society and the future."

From Idea to Reality


From the design phase to post-event evaluation, we offer comprehensive project management to ensure every detail is handled with care and precision, bringing your vision from conception to realization.

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Inspire and Impact


We design and execute technology, startup, and community conferences, focusing on relevant content, renowned speakers, and memorable experiences that educate, motivate, and inspire attendees

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Connect and Engage

Community Building

We specialize in fostering vibrant in-person communities through engaging events and gatherings. Our approach ensures active participation and creates a sense of belonging among your audience, driving meaningful connections and lasting relationships.

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We specialize in digital, tech, and startup conferences as well as (g)local community events, surrounding human and social responsibility. At your disposal are all our expertise, resources, and personal connections to create memorable events.

Let's create together!

Interested in partnering with us for your next event or exploring collaboration opportunities? Reach out to us today to discuss how we can work together to create a memorable and impactful experience for your audience.

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